Helpful Tips for Designing Your New Custom Closet


It can be frustrating working with a closet that just doesn’t suit all your needs. When you’re tired of your ordinary closet and are ready to look for a closet designer DC, you need to know what you’d like to have in your unique space.


This article will help you discover just how many options you have when it comes to creating the perfect closet space. Are you ready to design your new custom closet? You can begin thinking about what’s best for your space by considering the following items!


Work in a Sitting Area


Closet DesignersThink about how a sitting area would impact your closet usage. Creating a sitting space is great for putting on shoes, laying out clothes, and more. This area works best under a window since you’ll ideally want your windowsill to be higher if your window looks out onto another house. However, a sitting space could be the center of your room. You decide! When you’re considering a closet designer DC, contemplate the idea of a sitting space.


Be Mindful of the Mirror


Mirrors are an integral part of any closet, even if you just have one of them. You want to be able to stand back from your mirror of a distance of about three feet. When talking with your closet designer DC, make it clear you don’t want the mirror in an odd place just to save space, such as on the back of a door.


Utilize All Space Available 

custom closets From ceiling to floor, you can use bins and boxes to accommodate all your clothes. Remember, you don’t wear everything all the time. Use hard-to-reach space in the closet for clothes that aren’t in season or don’t get used often. This storage space can also work well for sentimental items rather than putting them in less-than-ideal spaces such as basements or attics.


Your Light Source Is Crucial


What’s the point of having a great closet if you can’t even see it? The lighting needs to be done properly by your closet designer DC, ideally fluorescent lighting between you and the clothes. This way, you’ll actually be able to see in your new space! Natural lighting is great, but remember that sunlight can cause wood to fade and windows take away storage space.


What Matters to You in a Floor?

closet designer dcThe floor of your closet is an important space. Although few people will see it, it’s important in that it needs to be comfortable for you. You’ll be spending time in your custom closet every day, so talk to your closet designer DC about what floor would work best for you.


Wood is easier to clean, but carpet provides more comfort and warmth. Your choice will be entirely up to you and what matters most to you—comfort or easy cleaning!


Being Able to See Your Clothes Is Better


Rather than hidden storage, go for see-through. Being able to see all of your clothes makes getting dressed for the day that much easier. You have lots of storage options rather than just hanging clothes on a rack. Not everything needs to be stored this way. You can take advantage of wire storage bins and open baskets for easier access to your clothes.


Working with a closet designer DC is an exciting time. Your closet is one of the most used and most important spaces in your home. Starting your day in a cluttered space is never ideal. You can have a beautiful custom closet and make it just the way you want. Consider all of these aspects when it comes to your closet design!


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